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Creating an effective syllabus
A good syllabus should include the following elements:
A well made syllabus will be appropriate to your specific class and teaching style. As such, you may opt to leave some of these elements out of your syllabus, or you might want to add things not listed above. Either way, you should be able to defend your decision to include or exclude items from your syllabus based upon what tone you are trying to set for the classroom environment. You should also consider how you will get students to read the syllabus. For further information regarding effective syllabi and/or integrating diversity into your syllabus, see below.
Going Beyond the Basic Syllabus
How to create a better syllabus
Illinois State University’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Checklist of common syllabi elements
University of Pittsburgh Syllabus webpage
This site includes a list of basic components of the syllabus as well as a model syllabus and links to three other sites about syllabi.
Michael Woolcock's Constructing a Syllabus
This is a full length article which includes:
The Case for the Sophisticated Course Syllabi by Michael Strada
Michael Strada is a professor at West Virginia. This article talks about the importance of a strong syllabus, its important elements and its heuristic benefits.
University of Minnesota's syllabus tutorial
This website offers a tutorial for creating an effective syllabus with the following components:
Some exemplary syllabi online
Introductory Philosophy by Charles Keyes at Duquesne University
U.S. Diplomatic History by Dr. Bolt at University of Richmond
Dr. Michael Strada's exemplary syllabi list
Diversity Related Syllabi Resources
A database of diversity related syllabi from the University of Maryland and other places.
The Diversity Syllabi database is a resource for journalism educators to use in creating and/or improving diversity courses at the university level.