

Putting it all together: Writing a social science research paper




Now, you have something to share with other teachers everywhere! You may want to skip forward to the "submit to a conference or publication" page to consider the appropriate outlet for your research. That will almost always give you some ideas on how to start since such outlets provide page minimums and maximums (no need to write a 15 page literature review if the entire article can only be 15 pages!), section names, etc.

General resources:

General guide to the parts of the paper from Univiersity of Southern California


Concise overview and explanation of the parts of the paper from Germana Community College


Interesting read from Joseph Pasek, University of Michigan who writes a social science paper which talks about how to write a social science paper!

Explanation of social science paper written as an APA paper from Illinois State University

Sample papers (while many disciplines use APA formatting for SoTL work, not all do- be sure to check the journal/conference requirements before you format):

From Research Methods Knowledge Base

Annotated APA Paper from WriteSource≠

Annotated APA Paper from APA

Annotated APA Paper from Purdue Owl

APA help:

Help from APA

Purdue Owl

Cornell University APA citations

Baker College APA Guides

Free citations formatting: bibme