Instructor: Dr. Marcia D. Dixson

Office hours: TR 2:00 - 4:00

and happily by appt.

Office: NF 230B

Phone: 481-6558 Email:

COM 597 The Dark Side of

Relational Communication

Fall, 2013



















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Chapter 13 Adolescent Abuse of Parents

This is a tough chapter, just as Chapter 12 was. Maybe this one is tough because adolescents often seem to be "ruled" by their darkside. They seem much more under the control of their insecurities, raging hormones, and fears than the other way around.

By now, though, you realize what is important/key to understanding this dark phenomenon. Be prepared to share with the class what you feel is important to take away from this chapter and why.

In class, we will reach consensus about the key concepts from this study and what understanding/insights it offers about this "dark" interaction.